Academic Improvement, Best Practices, IM Blog, Pediatric

Interactive Metronome Helps Children Improve in School

What is Interactive Metronome?

Interactive Metronome (IM) provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges the patient to synchronize whole-body exercises to a precise computer-generated reference beat. The patient attempts to match the rhythmic beat with repetitive motor actions. An auditory-visual guidance system provides immediate feedback measured in milliseconds, and a score is provided.

IM integrates sight, sound and physical movements to improve:
Working Memory: The ability to store information and ideas. Memory is essential for word recognition, comprehension of complex sentences and learning.
Attention: The ability to focus on information, tasks and ignore distractions.
Processing: The rate at which the patient is able to accurately perceive and manipulate information.
Sequencing: The placing of detailed information in its accustomed order, for example: days of the week, the alphabet or long division.

IM Helps 3rd Grade Boy Improve Reading and Language Skills

Matthew is an 8-year-old boy. He struggled in reading due to poor fluency and comprehension skills. When reading he often added and omitted words. When exiting 2nd grade Matthew’s reading comprehension level was so low it didn’t even register on the school’s scoring system. Matthew also showed difficulties at home. He had trouble remembering multi-step instructions and was very forgetful. Matthew participated in Interactive Metronome (IM) 2 days a week for 4 months. After two months of IM, his teacher noticed he began to focus better. She commented that he didn’t need to ask as many questions when given instructions. Halfway through 3rd grade Matthew’s reading comprehension level was retested and he registered on the scale this time! He is now reading more fluently and not skipping as many words. As a bonus, his handwriting skills also improved. Matthew’s mother is extremely happy with his results after doing IM and so is Matthew.

IM Helps Teenage Girl with Mild Intellectual Impairment

Elyssa is a 13 year-old-girl who is diagnosed with Mild Intellectual Impairment. She is in Special Education classes and has trouble in school. Elyssa has problems understanding simple commands, following directions, paying attention and focusing on the task at hand. She often keeps her head down when speaking and does not make eye contact. Her mom described her as “spacey.” After 6 weeks of going through Interactive Metronome (IM) training, improvements started to show in school. Elyssa is reading more fluently and enjoys it more. Her teacher reported that she responds to questions in a timelier manner and is now able to complete 2 or 3 part commands. She is also more confident and now participates in classroom discussions. Elyssa was even able to test out of 2 of her Special Education classes! Elyssa’s mom attributes her successes to IM and couldn’t be happier.

Debbie Bennett, SLPA-RIMC
Language Learning Center
Kingsland, GA