Use of IM with TBI Patients

The Interactive Metronome is an effective tool in the rehabilitation of the patient suffering from a traumatic brain injury. These patients have unique needs and their rehabilitation program requires constant adaptation and the use of Interactive Metronome best practices.
The therapist working with the Traumatic Brain Injury patient must modify the Interactive Metronome modality to account for muscle tone, poor coordination, decreased cognitive functioning, poor frustration tolerance, aggressive behaviors and fatigue. This course will review the phases of IM treatment with adaptations specifically pertaining to the needs of the TBI patient. Share and review advanced techniques to facilitate patient participation, patient success and to facilitate the progression towards achieving functional goals. The goal of this course is to offer clinicians with innovative research based treatment approaches for the using the Interactive Metronome with the patient with a TBI.
This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.
Course Type
On Demand Webinar
FREE (a $15 value!)
Brain Injury/Stroke Courses
Brain injuries can occur anywhere, anytime and to anyone. Whether it is external trauma, disease or a stroke, lingering effects on the brain can rob someone of his or her quality of life. Restoring that quality of life for brain injury patients is the goal of these courses.