IM Blog, Science

The “Big Picture” Explanation of the Underlying Mechanisms of Interactive Metronome

A picture is worth a thousand words.  So, without further ado, below I unveil the following pictorial representation that captures, in my professional opinion, “what is happening under the hood” with Interactive Metronome (IM) technology, particularly as it relates to improved attention, focus, and thinking efficiency.

To integrate the vast theoretical and empirical brain clock literature with applied IM research, a three level explanatory model is required.  It has taken me five years of study of the brain clock and IM to come to this conclusion.  The three levels are outlined in the figure below.

This is a “coming attraction” post.  I will be using this visual representation as the cornerstone of a written explanation of the mechanisms of the IM effect on different behaviors and domains of human functioning.  This text will be incorporated in the next revision of the IM user’s manual.

Also, as time permits, I may make blog posts on completed sections of the manuscript as it evolves.

Stay tuned.