Will’s Recovery Journey: Overcoming Stroke Symptoms with IM-Home and Cognitive Training

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Will’s Recovery Journey: Overcoming Stroke Symptoms with IM-Home and Cognitive Training
“Will” is a 72-year-old male who suffered a left temporal lobe stroke started IM-Home 60 days post discharge from inpatient therapy.
His main complaints were:
- right side weakness
- fatigue
- irritability
- focus
- concentration
- emotional instability
- memory problems
Will’s daughter, who was familiar with IM, oversaw his home training.
Using both sides of his body, he trained 3-4 times per week, working up to 1800 repetitions with IM-Home. After he completes his IMHome exercises for the day he then challenges his brain with cognitive skill building exercises.
Results with IM
Today, Will reports that he is happier, has more energy, less fatigue, and has better working memory.
He is now able to enjoy yard work and recreational activities with his wife and grandchildren again.
Will continues to train with IM-Home to maintain and improve his level of motor and cognitive functioning.