Micah’s Focus and Emotional Balance: IM’s Impact on Gifted Students

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Micah’s Focus and Emotional Balance: IM’s Impact on Gifted Students
“Micah” is a young boy who attends a school for gifted students.
He has auditory processing and SI concerns.
Additionally, while he hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD, it does run in his family and he has been having trouble maintaining focus in school.
Micah’s Pre LFA scores were between 73-226 ms.
He only attended 11 sessions because of financial considerations and the impressive results already being seen; however, more IM has been recommended if Micah is ultimately diagnosed as ADHD.
Micah’s Interim LFA showed improvement, and his final LFA scores were between 24-112 ms.
More importantly, Micah’s mother immediately reported fantastic results; Micah regained focus, his penmanship improved and he began completing his classroom task.
At home, Micah’s mother reported the same impressive results.
Micah was experiencing less intense emotional meltdowns, and less often.
Unfortunately, Micah was unable to continue his therapy and some of the results have been lost; however, the Interim LFA shows that he never plateaued with IM training and should be able to recapture those gains.