Beating ADHD with IM Training

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Beating ADHD with IM Training
Dean is an 8 year-old boy with a diagnosis of ADHD. Several years ago he was given the KABC-II and his Full Scale I.Q. score was 73. He spends part of his day in a general education classroom and the remainder of his day with a resource teacher. During the previous school year Dean was consistently disciplined for his poor behavior, verbal and physical aggression toward other students and teachers, defiance, and rule breaking. Dean was unable to complete tasks and academic assignments. He showed no motivation for learning or for socializing with his classmates.
Dean recently began IM training and has only been working on the IM machine twice a week for just over a month with his remediation teacher. Dean seemed eager to train on the IM machine. He had no trouble using the equipment. He always remembered his assigned times and reminded his classroom teacher when it was his time to train. His first few treatments were short and consisted of several Short Form assessments.
As he adjusted to the machine, he would ask to keep going, so his training times increased. During several training sessions, his IM instructor would move the sensors up, down, and side to side; incorporate his feet; and incorporate academic skills such as skip counting by 2, 5, and 10 to 100 on the metronome beat.
Dean’s teachers began noticing improvements in Dean’s behavior and task commitment after just three IM sessions. Early in the school year, Dean’s classroom teacher and his resource teacher both cited enormous improvements in Dean’s behavior and academic growth since beginning his IM training. After only 5 short weeks, Dean’s teachers cited significant growth in all areas, but the largest improvement was seen in rule following and commitment to completing tasks.
The following is an email from his resource teacher:
“Over the past few weeks Dean has improved his weekly spelling tests from a 77% to a 100%. He is willing to learn and doesn’t appear to be frustrated. He is attending to tasks with minimal prompts and his motivation has increased. Regarding his behavior, he is more aware of his actions and not so impulsive. IM has made a believer out of me!”
Regarding that improvement on his spelling tests, his parents and teachers feel certain that it is a direct result of IM training. He is not receiving any additional academic help that wasn’t provided him last semester.
So, what are you waiting for? Try IM training today and see if it can change your life by helping you reach your full potential. We may not actually make you smarter, but we can help ensure that your brain is working at peak efficiency… and that will lead to improvements in behavior, sustained attention, working memory, fine motor skills, balance, coordination, processing speed and sensory integration.