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Meet Tina Blue, the Virgin Island’s 1st IM Provider
Meet Tina Blue, a world class OT who has been practicing for decades. She moved to the Virgin Islands in 2001 and opened her own practice in 2012. In this article, Tina talks about how she has utilized IM with clients from all walks of life, even some superstar athletes. Read more to find out how Tina has been helping clients get the most out of therapy.
Sports and IM
Several of the teens that I see have come into the clinic for learning issues, but also are wondering if IM will help them in sports. Whenever a child brings this up to me, I really like to involve them in creating an exercise that they think will help them to work on their specific sport. Now sometimes, the activity is very crazy, and the child is unable to perform it – but sometimes they come up with something really good that I then ask their permission to use with other children.
Reaching Peak Performance with IM
IM is not only for those with a disorder. Did you know that among other sports teams we have worked with Notre Dame? IM works on timing and precision speed which are critical for an athlete. Check out this media clip.