Body Movement Selectively Shapes the Neural Representation of Musical Rhythms

Exciting research study from the Institute of Neuroscience, System and Cognition Department, the Universite Catholique de Louvain, and the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research. This study highlights the differences in brain responses (as measured by electroencephalography) before, during and after participants were moving to a rhythm.

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LATEST GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH: Another study reports positive impact of IM on reading achievement…

I just learned that the following article is soon to be published (click here  for journal info) This is the second peer-reviewed article to demonstrate a  significant positive impact of Interactive Metronome (IM) training on certain reading behaviors in a study with both experimental and control groups.   The other study...

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Is the P-FIT it? Part 1: The P-FIT model described


The law of individual differences is the only proven law in psychology.  This law has resulted in decades of research regarding theories and models of intelligence and individual differences in intelligence.  Within the past two decades a general consensus has emerged from the psychometric intelligence research that the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of intelligenceis the most empirically supported taxonomy for understanding the structure of human intelligence.

[Note – this is the first in a series of posts intended to present an integration of intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, and applied neuroscience research with the goal to advance a set of hypotheses or model(s) that explain how the Interactive Metronome ® (IM) technology results in improved cognitive functioning specifically focus or controlled attention]

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IM-Home blog posts by Dr. Kevin McGrew (Volume 1: 6-3-12)


To help readers build their library of IM related information, Dr. Kevin McGrew has organized all of his IM-HOME blog posts up through 6-3-12 in a single on-line (and downloadable) PDF file. "IM-Home blog posts by Dr. Kevin McGrew (Volume 1: 6-3-12)" has been posted under the Neurotechnology section of the Research & Reports menu at the MindHub.  
Additional blog post archive volumes will be forthcoming.
Dr. Kevin McGrew

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The Original Time Doctor and Time Machine: Jim Cassily

Jim Cassily  was the inventor of the patented technology behind Interactive Metronome ®.   Through a serendipitous set of events I recently learned about the early days of his development of the original “time machine.”The purpose of this post is to share a portion of Jim Cassily’s role in the IM story.   I give special thanks to Jim’s wife, Katie, who has graciously supplied me with original documents, pictures, and anecdotes regarding Jim’s passion for sharing the technology he developed to improve the lives of others.   I consider it an honor to amplify a portion of Jim’s legacy via efforts to share information regarding the brain-based mechanisms involved in the IM neurotechnology .  


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Learn more about the “Time Doc”

Many of you are already familiar with Dr Kevin McGrew. You’ve read his intriguing and elucidating blog posts and you know he is affectionately referred to as The Time Doc because of his incessant interest (et..em, obsession ?) with any and all things related to mental timing. You may also know that his unique curiosity has lead to a vast collection of literature contained at one of his many blogs, The Brain Clock Blog. Dr McGrew’s singular effort to bring together and collectively analyze the existing literature has contributed greatly to our understanding of the role of temporal processing in various human abilities and medical conditions and how interventions like the Interactive Metronome may be improving the resolution, synchronicity, and performance of our internal clock…

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