Paystation: The Real Cost of Video Games

Video games are a multi-billion dollar industry. Every week, a new blockbuster comes out for Playstation or Xbox that is designed to pull users deep into a fantasy world filled with familiar characters, rewards and social accolades. But, can a 45 year old man playing the newest Madden title actually be helping his brain? Maybe. And so begins our series on video games and your brain.

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A bit of Research: Timing in the brain is critical for good focus and self-control


Timing in the brain is critical for good focus and self-control. Studies like this one by Ben-Pazi et al (2005) show that the brain’s timing mechanism is not working properly in children with ADHD, and that it is even worse in younger children with ADHD and those who lack self-control and are impulsive. Interactive Metronome is the only tool available today to effectively improve timing in the brain. By directly addressing timing skills at the level necessary for the brain to function more efficiently, the Interactive Metronome produces results.

Ben-Pazi, H., Shalev, R.S., Gross-Tsur, V. and Bergman, H. (2006). Age and medication effects on rhythmic responses in ADHD: Possible oscillatory mechanisms? Neuropsychologia, 44, 412-416.

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