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Unlocking Peak Performance: IM training can drive improvements in putting consistency and amplify brain connectivity crucial for motor control in professional female golfers.
Title: Training effects of Interactive Metronome on golf performance and brain activity in professional woman golf players
Authors: Jin Hyun Kim, Joung Kyue Han, & Doug Hyun Han
Publication: Human Movement Science
Rhythmic skills are essential for language and literacy, and new research suggests that Interactive Metronome can enhance these skills in children, even potentially benefiting those with reading impairments or language deficits.
Title: How Rhythmic Skills Relate and Develop in School-Age
Authors: Silvia Bonacina, Jennifer Krizman, Travis White- Schwoch, Trent Nicol, and Nina Kraus
Publication: Global Pediatric Health
Discover how Interactive Metronome training improved weapon firing precision in active duty U.S. Army service members, revealing the promising impact of neurocognitive temporal training on marksmanship performance.
Title: Effects of Neurocognitive Temporal Training on Weapon Firing Performance
Authors: Leah R. Enders, Gary L. Boykin, and Valerie J. Rice
Publication: Perceptual And Motor Skills
Utilizing Interactive Metronome and Balance Based Torso Weighting Vest, clinicians were able to significantly improve attention, motor control, balance, and sensory tolerance in a patient with residual impairments four years post-TBI.
Title: Balance Based Torso Weighting and Rhythmic Entrainment in a Patient Post Concussion/TBI
Authors: Tammie Keller Johnson
Publication: White Paper Accepted By American Congress Of Rehabilitation Medicine
Enhancing sensorimotor timing abilities with Interactive Metronome training may unlock better performance for soccer players and other athletes, especially in tasks demanding high cognitive-motor coordination.
Title: Influences of Synchronized Metronome Training on Soccer Players Timing Ability, Performance Accuracy, and Lower-Limb Kinematics
Authors: Louise Rönnqvist, Rachel McDonald & Marius Sommer
Publication: Frontiers In Psychology
Compilation of recent pilot studies indicates Interactive Metronome® (IM) training can significantly enhance motor skills, demonstrating potential for effective use in clinic settings alongside other occupational-based interventions.
Title: A Collective Review of Completed Research Projects Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Interactive Metronome as an Occupational Therapy Intervention
Authors: Leonard Trujillo, OTR/L, FAOTA
Publication: White Paper presented at national AOTA Conference 2013
Interactive Metronome training significantly improves attention skills and concentration in veterans, enhancing their academic and occupational performance.
Title: Efficacy of the Interactive Metronome for Improving Attention in Veterans Returning to School Settings: A Pilot Study
Authors: Karla Baker, MSOT/S and Leonard Trujillo, OTR/L, FAOTA
Publication: White Paper presented at national AOTA Conference 2014
Unveiling the Rhythmic Bridge to Literacy: Harnessing the power of rhythm and synchronization could be a key to boosting literacy in children by engaging overlapping neural mechanisms.
Title: Clapping in Time Parallels Literacy and Calls Upon Overlapping Neural Mechanisms in Early Readers
Authors: Silvia Bonacina, Jennifer Krizman, Travis White-Schwoch, and Nina Kraus
Publication: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Discover how combining Interactive Metronome™ with TRX® System can provide measurable improvements in attention and performance, while offering a comforting refuge from everyday stress for those recovering from traumatic brain injuries or PTSD.
Title: The Validation of the Interactive Metronome: A Pilot Study Prior to Implementation for Post Deployment Service Members
Authors: Leonard G. Trujillo & Jane Painter-Patton
Publication: Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience