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No Child Left Behind: Addressing Learning Problems Head-On with Interactive Metronome
White paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Elementary School Principals

Pediatric, Academic Performance, Cognitive Skills
In a controlled study involving 80 “at risk” 4th and 5th grade students, those who received Interactive Metronome (IM) training showed significant improvements in reading and math fluency, with some students advancing 1-2 grade levels in reading comprehension and fluency.
The control group, consisting of 40 similar students, did not demonstrate any improvement.
The study used pre- and post-training assessments such as the Woodcock Johnson III, STAR reading assessment, and Stanford Achievement Test to measure progress.
These findings highlight the potential of IM training in enhancing academic performance in students.
Abridged Summary & Results of Study
Learning Problems and the Left Behind
YEAR: 2003
PUBLICATION: WHITE PAPER presented at The Annual Meeting of the National
AUTHOR: Dr. Cindy Cason Association of Elementary School Principals
Students who received IM training performed significantly better on tests of reading & math fluency and improved 1-2 grade levels in reading comprehension and fluency as compared to matched controls.
- n=80 subjects
- Experimental group: 40 4th and 5th grade students identified as Title I eligible and scoring in the lowest three stanines on the reading subtest of Stanford Achievement Test – Edition Nine participated in 12 sessions of IM training (1 hour each) in group setting with 4 students:1 trainer
- Control group: 40 matched peers based upon School Ability Index scores from the Otis Lennon School Ability Test
- Pre-post measures:
- Woodcock Johnson III: reading and math fluency subtests
- STAR reading assessment
- Stanford Achievement Test results for the testing prior to training and post training were reviewed
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