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Beating ADHD: The Impact of Interactive Metronome ® Training on ADHD Children

Pediatric, Academic Performance, Cognitive Skills, Motor Skills
This study analyzed the effect of Interactive Metronome (IM) training on school-age boys (6-12 years) diagnosed with ADHD.
Of the 56 participants, they were divided into three groups: IM training group (19), video game control group (19), and a no-intervention control group (18).
After 15 one-hour sessions over 3-5 weeks, those in the IM training group showed statistically significant improvement in 53 out of 58 measured variables.
Although the video game control group also demonstrated improvement in 40 out of 58 variables, the IM group showed considerably greater enhancement, indicating the significant benefits of IM beyond just playing a computer game.
The no-intervention control group, however, did not exhibit improvement based on statistical analysis.
The study suggests the promising impact of IM as a non-pharmacological treatment for ADD/ADHD.
Abridged Summary & Results of Study
Effect of Interactive Metronome® Training on Children with ADHD
AUTHORS: Robert J. Shaffer, Lee E. Jacokes, James F. Cassily, Stanley I. Greenspan, Robert F. Tuchman & Paul J. Stemmer, Jr.
YEAR: 2001
School age boys who received Interactive Metronome (IM) training demonstrated statistically significant improvement on 53 of 58 variables measured (p<.0001). Same age boys in a video-game control group also demonstrated improvement on 40 of 58 variables; however, the boys who received IM training experienced substantially greater improvement than the video game group, suggesting IM produced significant additional benefits beyond the experience of a computer game. The no-intervention control group did not improve based upon statistical analysis.
- n=56 boys ages 6-12 with diagnosis of ADHD were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups:
- experimental group: 19 received 15 sessions of IM training, 1 hour each, over 3-5 weeks
- video game control group: 19 played 15 sessions of video games, 1 hour each, over 3-5 weeks
- control group: 18 received no intervention
- both experimental and video game control group parents and children were told purpose of study was to explore non-pharmacological treatment of ADD/ADHD with computer-based treatment programs
- upon completion of the study, both video game and no intervention control group participants also received IM training
- pre-post measures:
- Tests of Variables of Attention (TOVA)
- Connors’ Rating Scales – Revised (teacher & parent versions)
- Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children – Third Edition
- Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist
- The Sensory Profile
- Bruininks-Oseretsky Test for Motor Efficiency
- Wide Range Achievement Test – 3
- Language Processing Test
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