November’s Provider of the Month: Dr. Michael Bagnell

Name: Â Dr. Michael Bagnell
Type of Professional: Â Chiropractor
Years using IM: 2.5
Facility Name: Bagnell Brain & Chiropractic Center, Inc.
Location: Miami, FL
Population(s) Served:  Pediatrics, Young Adult, Athletes, Adult/Geriatrics, especially those with  TBI (traumatic brain injury), dementia, and mood disorders
What made you look into IM? Â Brain Injury rehabilitation program through Carrick Institute
Tell us about your business: Â Our office serves a diverse population including pediatrics and adults. We consider the brain during our evaluations with every person, whether a musculoskeletal pain condition or a clear traumatic brain injury. We utilize various sensorimotor therapies to induce neuroplastic responses in under or over functioning regions of the brain.
What do you like most about Interactive Metronome®?:  The patients find IM training novel and challenging, and I love the data it provides and versatility to design virtually any type of activity to activate brain regions.
Do you have any suggestions to improve IM? Â Additional directions (in regards to pursuits and saccades) of visual stimuli to enhance brain activity. Include additional sensors for practitioners to purchase optionally based on their practice.
What other modalities do you use in your practice that you like to combine with IM? Â We use a perturbed surface like an airex pad to increase vestibular demands as well as having patient’s use saccade eye movements with the tone to enhance frontal activations.
Do you incorporate Best Practices?: Â Yes, the video trainings we have taken have improved our variety in delivering alternate sources of care in different patient populations.
What marketing methods have you found successful: Â We have brought our patient population to IM in our office. We perhaps need to run a stronger campaign on social media to attract more people with the desire to improve brain function with a researched based tool that is effective.
Tips for other IM Providers: Â Learn from other experts through the courses offered by IM. It creates a background in your mind from which to draw on when considering how to best serve your patients. Consider all your patients as brain based patients in so much as whatever their unique health concern, improving brain network performance will greatly enhance all other therapies from speech, to stroke recovery, to gait stability, Alz, early cognitive decline, sports performance, etc.
Anything else: Â Dr. Jessica Pecina, my associate has been instrumental in developing our protocols and bringing implementation to our patients. Having another professional to discuss options for patients, what’s working and what’s not, is vital to staying focused with each patient each week. We try not to just rely on protocols without paying close attention to patients needs and progress.
To learn more about Dr. Bagnell and his practice visit: Â Â