Recently, there has been increased focus on brain injuries. No doubt, this is in large part because of the recent lawsuits by many former football players against the NFL, America’s largest and most profitable sports league. However, in a world full of tall buildings, fast cars, heavy machinery and dangerous sports, the risk of head injury has never been higher. And while medical science has advanced significantly in recent years, mankind is very limited in what we know about the long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries.
We know they are not good. We know when there is a question about safety a helmet is usually the best answer. But what exactly do those blows do to our fragile brains? Now that is something we don’t fully know. Evidence suggests that repeated blows to the head have a lasting and drastic effect on our cognitive health. Documented problems with memory, anxiety, impulse control and depression are all too common. But what if you had minor brain injuries and felt no ill effects for thirty years? Are you safe? Recently, doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota have revealed yet another dangerous, lingering effect of brain injuries. New findings suggest that there is a relationship between concussions and the development of Alzheimer’s later in life.
Regardless of the date and severity of brain injuries, programs like Interactive Metronome® (IM) can help restore the lost function. There is no need to wait for head trauma to erase memories or decrease functional mobility. IM challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s internal clock. This, in turn, improves timing, communication and neural efficiency in the functional brain networks. Timing and rhythm are key factors in developing memories, regulating speech, controlling movement, maintaining balance, discerning spatial orientation and performing any other activity that occurs when time is passing. Don’t let time pass you by. At IM, we love helping people take their life back. Don’t be a statistic, be a success story. Check out Kathy’s story; she refused to let Alzheimer’s slow her down. Or Adam, who started IM young and will hopefully never have to deal with the degenerative effects of Alzheimer’s.