Meet October’s Provider of the Month: Heather Barr

October’s Provider of the Month: Heather Barr
Type of Professional: Speech Pathologist
Years using IM: 9 years
Facility Name: HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of York
Location: York PA
Population Served: Adolescent/Adult/Geriatric IP/OP neurological rehabilitation
What made you look into IM? To explore the ability to further address neurological deficits, based on the skills IM can help redevelop.
What do you like most about IM? It’s versatility! IM is great and it is even better when you had clinical creativity to enhance your treatment exercises and your patients’ outcomes.
What are your thoughts on the IM Universe? Again, having more options is always a plus.
Do you have any other suggestions to improve IM? Not at this time.
Do you incorporate Best Practices with you IM training? If so, please share some of your favorites with us. (Note a “Best Practice” is using IM beyond the standard 14 exercises) Almost always!! I completed a live webinar for IM entitled Addressing Post-Concussive Syndrome with IM. In that, I offered many treatment activities to complete in conjunction with IM. After some initial training with IM, I believe in always adding something more to progress the therapy!
How do you think the new Fall Risk Reduction program will benefit your clients at HealthSouth? Fall prevention is a very important area for focus. Having a modality that allows a therapist to address musculoskeletal, proprioceptive, oculomotor, vestibular and cognitive/communicative systems in one exercise while performing functional activities, is very helpful in addressing the patient population. Again, taking therapy to another level, to help improve the quality of life for our patients!
What tips do you have for other IM Providers? Share ideas! Be creative! Try IM with any/all patients! If you aren’t using it often, reach out to those who are!