Meet January’s Provider of the Month: Stacy Williams

Provider of the Month: Stacey Williams
Name: Stacy Williams
Type of Professional: Occupational Therapist
Years using IM: 10+
Facility Name: Healthsouth Sunrise Rehabilitation Hospital
Location: Sunrise, FL
Population Served: Adult – primarily neuro (stroke and brain injury)
What made you look into IM? When IM was originally demonstrated at our facility, I was impressed with the outcomes (with the ADHD and sports populations) and intrigued to see how it could/would translate to the stroke/neuro population.
What do you like most about IM? The versatility. There is a framework to follow, but you can adapt it to fit the patient’s needs.
What are your thoughts on the IM Universe? I like all the new options. It really allows you to find something to engage all patients regardless of age or disability.
Do you have any other suggestions to improve IM? No
Do you incorporate Best Practices with you IM training? If so, please share some of your favorites with us. (Note a “Best Practice” is using IM beyond the standard 14 exercises) With lower level patients trying hand over hand for short durations, sometimes less than two minutes. With higher level patients with executive functioning deficits, more divided attention tasks (i.e. having them call out numbers from a deck of cards the therapist is holding while completing the repetitions.)
How do you think the new Fall Risk Reduction program will benefit your clients at HealthSouth? I think it will be great, especially with our older population in south Florida.