May Provider of the Month- Debbie Flannery

Meet our provider of the month Debbie Flannery owner of LifeFit BrainFit. Debbie now holds a Masters Degree in Health and Fitness, who is also a certified Tai Chi instructor. She has a combined 30+ years of experience and extensive education to provide sessions tailored to each patients’ individual needs. Flannery’s practice involves working with both pediatrics and adults providing both in-home care and private pediatric sessions in the office. LifeFit BrainFit helps with Autism, ADHD, Reading, Math, Learning Disorders, Balance Disorders, Parkinson’s, Concussions and more! Using IM at LifeFit BrainFit integrates sight, sound and physical movement to improve attention, concentration, motor coordination and sequencing. Kids and adults love coming to the LifeFit BrainFit sessions.
Occupation: Owner LifeFit BrainFit; Masters Degree in Health and Fitness
Tag line: Body & Brain Fitness
Location: Kingsford, MI
Population: Both pediatrics and adults providing both in-home care and private pediatric sessions in the office.
Tell us about your business: I offer In-Home Exercises for people ages 50-102, I’m a Certified Interactive Metronome Provider and a Certified Tai Chi Instructor.
Number of Years Using IM? 2 years
What made you look into IM? I was introduced to IM at a Brain Balance Center a number of years ago and I saw that it worked.
What do you like most about IM? The flexibility
Do you incorporate Best Practices with you IM training? Yes, I’ve taken over 14 wonderful courses through Interactive Metronome in the last 2 years. I love learning.
What other modalities do you use in your practice that you like to combine with IM? Well, I have a Master’ Degree Education in Health & Fitness and I’m a Certified Tai Chi Instructor, so I’m always looking for “Mind & Body” techniques to incorporate. Each IM session is about an hour. We use exercise balls, work on balance, work on core strength, jump rope, crossing mid-line, planks, grapevines and at the end of each session the client gets to pick a fun activity of their own. The activities they choose from are UNO, Spot It, coloring, puzzles, Crazy Dog and some kids even practice their jump rope as an activity!
What marketing methods have you found successful, and what ones have failed? The best marketing is when I do a demo at a school. The next is word of mouth. I currently do a lot on Facebook, websites, some radio, and Health Fairs.
Tips for other IM Providers: I love coming to work. I typically work with my In-Home exercise clients in the morning and right after lunch. Then I conduct my Interactive Metronome sessions in the afternoon. I currently have two offices in one location and two machines. At the end of the day, its important to love what you do!
Anything else? I’m so glad I got Certified. I’ve worked very hard for the last two years with marketing Interactive Metronome, but it’s starting to come around. It has changed my life!