Is it Neurological Reorganization or Sensory Overload?

This course has been generated by the interest of IM providers concerned with improving their ability to distinguish the effects of the Interactive Metronome program on neurological reorganization.
Particularly prominent in the pediatric population, many providers are reporting functional changes during IM that may be interpreted as an expression of the sensory system, or may be due to subtle changes in neurological reorganization. How to identify systems within the central nervous system versus core neurological changes can be quite the challenge, and often a cause for worry. Issues such as perceived functional regression and negative reactions may easily create cause for confusion and concern. This presentation will attempt to clarify key points. Upon completion of this course, providers will demonstrate greater flexibility to create IM programs with more precision & successful outcomes. Providers will learn to guide family members and care staff through the process. Course materials will include easy-to-reference lists and learning tools. Photographic and video examples will be presented to illustrate salient points and reinforce learning.
This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.
Course Type
On Demand Webinar
FREE (a $15 value!)