Featured In the News: Concussion treatment option at trainer’s conference

Concussion treatment option at trainer’s conference
Taken from WGME 13 (June 7, 2015):
SOUTH PORTLAND (WGME) — Athletic trainers across New England are in South Portland’s Double Tree Hotel for the Northeast Athletic Trainer’s Conference.
The conference connects businesses that help athletes recover from injuries.
A big topic at this years conference was concussions.
The Scarborough NeuroDevelopment Center was there with its Interactive Metronome. That’s a computer program that uses tones to help people improve their timing and regrow neural pathways in the brain.
“We see people, sometimes they’ve had a concussion for a year,” Suzanne Sylvester of the Scarborough NeuroDevelopment Center said about post concussion syndrome. “Immediately after the concussion happens it’s important not to sit in a dark room, (instead) get treatment, and we offer that treatment.”
The Northeast Athletic Trainers Conference runs through June 7.
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