IM training helps users reach peak performance!

Are you living up to your full potential in the board room, in the gym, at home or on the road? If you have to think about it, you probably aren’t. But it is okay; don’t worry! Father time is always waiting to remind us that he is coming. Physically, you may feel like you have seen the decline, but what does your brain look like? Technically, it probably looks much the same it did years ago, but research has shown that our brains begin to decline as early as age 24. Yikes! So, most people aren’t at their peak, but they can bet it is just a matter of TIME, well, timing to be specific.

It is a crazy life. Meetings, business lunches, family dinners, children’s games and recitals, and somewhere in there you have to find time for yourself and friends. You balance it all as well as a triple-beam, but it isn’t getting any easier. There was Tom’s birthday you forgot; you would have been late anyway because you lost your keys. And then there was that meeting today, but you won’t remember that until tomorrow when you get to the office.

Part of what makes it crazy is that you have been successful in business for decades, and you’ve got plenty of good years left. You have the capability, but it is like you are a step slower lately. It’s time to get that edge back. IM training is a simple way to get your brain back to optimal efficiency.
Part of what makes IM so unique is its ability to improve domain-general mechanisms. The domain-general mechanism of timing is a “jack of all trades”mechanism that manifests itself in sleep cycles, speech patterns, ability to attend over time and overall efficacy of brain communication. This timing in the brain, or temporal processing, has been shown to be deficient in several common conditions, including everything from mild learning disability to severe developmental disorders; clearly, Neurotiming® is essential for the brain to work at peak levels. IM is the only training program that improves timing in the brain in an organized, systematic, flexible and engaging format.

Research shows that combining whole body movements with cognitive tasks leads to overall better outcomes. Interactive Metronome® is a patented and unique training tool that challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.”. When your brain’s functional networks are working efficiently the neurons are able to fire more often and in sync. That results in improved communication, memory, processing and coordination today, and the stronger neural networks can help prevent some of the damaging effects of future conditions.

Plus, IM training can be done on your schedule, whenever and whenever you have the time. With IM-Home, you don’t have to leave your home to keep up the training. No more worrying about fitting training into your schedule or the cost of reaching your Provider. Now, you can complete your training under the supervision of your therapist, but in the comfort of your own living room, bedroom, office, etc. Ask your Provider about IM-Home today!

IM & Overall Wellness Training

IM is a research-based training program that has been shown to help improve Overall Wellness Training.

IM training has been shown to improve:

Attention and concentration
Memory and processing
Fine and gross motor skills
Bilateral coordination
Mood regulation

In everyday life, users are seeing positive results in:

Behavior and self-esteem
Activities of daily living (ADLs)
Reading and speech fluency
Gait symmetry

Results with Interactive Metronome

Thousands of patients, case studies & clinical testimonials demonstrate effectiveness

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For help with particular conditions, look for Providers with our badges on our Provider Locator Board. These badges are designed to highlight the special IM training our Providers have done in these areas to better serve their populations. The badges are: Academic, Autism, Brain Injury/Stroke, Early Intervention, Home Health/SNF, Innovative Pediatrics, Motor (Neuro/Ortho), Other Neurological Conditions, Reading/Literacy, SPD/ADHD, Speech/Language, Sports, Telepractice and Visual Processing.