Leading the way in drug-free ADHD training!
A wealth of information abounds concerning children with ADHD, and how television and video games are to blame. Well, at some point, those children grow into adults with responsibilities, jobs and children of their own. Being off task at work can quickly become a major problem. Getting distracted while doing your taxes can result in serious penalties. Also, there is a good chance your children may experience the same problems.
IM training is able to get to the source of attention problems by addressing efficient, rhythmic communication between the brain’s functional networks. Attention is related to timing, which is a domain-general mechanism. The domain-general mechanism of timing is a “jack of all trades” mechanism that manifests itself in walking, fine motor control, speech patterns, ability to attend over time and overall efficacy of brain communication. Synchronizing the body’s “internal clock” helps the functional brain networks communicate rhythmically and efficiently. This efficiency frees the brain’s cognitive processes to work on memory, processing and coordinating action, all while still maintaining focus!
IM training also addresses sustained attention by forcing users to repeatedly respond to a cue across varying lengths of time. With IM training, there is no need for medication that only addresses the symptoms, and not the underlying problem. Research shows that combining whole body movements with cognitive tasks leads to overall better outcomes. Interactive Metronome® is a patented and unique training tool that challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.”
Now, you don’t have to leave your home to keep up the training. No more worrying about fitting training into your schedule or the cost of reaching your Provider. You can complete your training under the supervision of your Provider, but in the comfort of your own living room, bedroom, office, etc. Ask your Provider about IM-Home today!
IM & Adult ADHD Training
IM is a research-based training program that has been shown to improve deficits seen in those who have been Diagnosed with ADHD.
Results with Interactive Metronome
Thousands of patients, case studies & clinical testimonials demonstrate effectiveness
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For help with Adult ADHD and many related conditions, look for Providers with our “SPD/ADHD” badge on our Provider Locator Board. Also, Providers with these badges have additional training with similar disciplines and symptoms: Brain Injury/Stroke, Home Health/SNF, Motor (Neuro/Ortho), Reading/Literacy, Speech/Language and Visual Processing.
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