“I think…therefore IM” PowerPoint slides available for viewing

As noted in the latest IM-HOME post, the annual IM conference was viewed as a huge success.  I was fortunate to be the invited keynote speaker.  The title of my address was “I think…therefore IM.”  As noted in the most recent IM-HOME post, the IM staff is busy editing the video of all presentations, including my address.  I am anxious for the final edited videos to be announced.

Interactive Metronome Intervention Research

In early posts at the IM-HOME blog, I described the initial stages of my interest in the IM technology.  One of the primary keys to my interest was the stunning fact that IM has been reported to improve a variety of different human performance outcomes in vastly different domains.  These included stroke rehabilitation, golf swing, reading achievement, and ADHD.  I have written that for this to be plausible, IM must be impacting some form of brain-based domain-general (jack-of-all-trades) mechanism.  

LATEST GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH: Another study reports positive impact of IM on reading achievement…

I just learned that the following article is soon to be published (click here for journal info)

This is the second peer-reviewed article to demonstrate a significant positive impact of Interactive Metronome (IM) training on certain reading behaviors in a study with both experimental and control groups.  The other study was one I was involved with (Taub, McGrew, & Keith, 2007; the abstract is presented below).  You can access that complete 2007 manuscript at the Brain Clock blog.


I Think…Therefore IM (or…IM…therefore I think—better!): Preview of Dr. Kevin McGrew’s (aka, the Time Doc2) IM Conference Presentation

In a couple of weeks I will be the keynote speaker at the annual Interactive Metronome Professional Conference in San Antonio, TX.  I will speak for approximately 1.5 hours and have much to share.  At this time I thought I would give a small preview (aka, a “tease”) of some of the content I will be presenting.  I have recorded a very brief video (6.5 minutes) where I explain some of the key concepts I will be describing (and expanding on) during my presentation.  I hope you enjoy.  This is a self-made video with an iPhone (on a tripod pointed at my computer as I go thru PowerPoint slides)—so be gentle.

I Think…Therefore IM: The Time Doc2 gets prepared for IM keynote

IM-HOME readers may have wondered why I have been MIA from the IM-HOME blog. I simply have been swamped this summer.  I have been very busy accumulating the latest brain network research—research that has direct relevance to understanding how IM improves focus, controlled attention, working memory, and executive functions.  The problem has been that the research literature has been exploding at such a rate that I can barely keep up with reading it—let alone write about it.

But…I now have a goal to start blogging (again) on a regular basis.

First, I want to thank IM for the advance press regarding my IM Keynote in October.  The pressure is on.

Check out the Time Docs Blog post on the Aurora Shooting as it relates to a victim who suffered a brain injury

Check out the Time Docs Blog post on the Aurora Shooting as it relates to a victim who suffered a brain injury

Aurora shooting victim benefits from music in brain injury recovery

Yet another interesting video reporting on the use of the rhythmic aspects of music in brain injury recovery...similar to the Gabby Giffords story.  Additional clinical evidence of the importance oftemporal processing in the brain.


View Video- http://www.brainclock.net/2012/08/aurora-shooting-victim-benefits-from.html

Is the P-FIT it? Part 1—The P-FIT model described


The law of individual differences is the only proven law in psychology.  This law has resulted in decades of research regarding theories and models of intelligence and individual differences in intelligence.  Within the past two decades a general consensus has emerged from the psychometric intelligence research that the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of intelligenceis the most empirically supported taxonomy for understanding the structure of human intelligence.

[Note – this is the first in a series of posts intended to present an integration of intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, and applied neuroscience research with the goal to advance a set of hypotheses or model(s) that explain how the Interactive Metronome® (IM) technology results in improved cognitive functioning—specifically focus or controlled attention]

IM-Home blog posts by Dr. Kevin McGrew (Volume 1: 6-3-12)


To help readers build their library of IM related information, Dr. Kevin McGrew has organized all of his IM-HOME blog posts up through 6-3-12 in a single on-line (and downloadable) PDF file. "IM-Home blog posts by Dr. Kevin McGrew (Volume 1: 6-3-12)" has been posted under the Neurotechnology section of the Research & Reports menu at the MindHub.  
Additional blog post archive volumes will be forthcoming.
Dr. Kevin McGrew

The Original Time Doctor and Time Machine: Jim Cassily

Jim Cassily was the inventor of the patented technology behind Interactive Metronome®.  Through a serendipitous set of events I recently learned about the early days of his development of the original “time machine.”  The purpose of this post is to share a portion of Jim Cassily’s role in the IM story.  I give special thanks to Jim’s wife, Katie, who has graciously supplied me with original documents, pictures, and anecdotes regarding Jim’s passion for sharing the technology he developed to improve the lives of others.  I consider it an honor to amplify a portion of Jim’s legacy via efforts to share information regarding the brain-based mechanisms involved in the IM neurotechnology (see Brain Clock blog). 


Time Travels with the Time Doc—Trip 1: Quieting the Busy Mind


I have been blogging about brain-clock research at my home base (Brain Clock Blog) for many years and more recently have been blogging at the IM-Home website and blog. A problem with sharing information via blogging is that we bloggers make desired connections via hyperlinks. We insert them so the reader will read prior posts for related or background information. Often readers don’t want to take the time to bounce back and forth between linked stories...

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