4 Brain Training Therapies for ADHD Children and Adults

These alternative treatments — electrotherapy stimulation, low-energy neurofeedback, working memory training, and interactive metronome — can help attention deficit adults and children manage ADHD symptoms without medication.


"People with attention deficit have an interesting brain wave profile,” says Richard Brown, M.D., author of How to Use Herbs, Nutrients, and Yoga in Mental Health Care. “Parts of the brain — areas responsible for planning and sequencing, making decisions, and maintaining focus — aren’t functioning as they do in other people.”

Therapies aimed at sharpening those faculties are sometimes required. Read on to learn about four brain training techniques that may help ADHD adults and attention deficit children improve focus and memory, and decrease impulsivity, hyperactivity, and other ADHD symptoms.

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The “Big Picture” Explanation of the Underlying Mechanisms of Interactive Metronome

A picture is worth a thousand words.  So, without further ado, below I unveil the following pictorial representation that captures, in my professional opinion, “what is happening under the hood” with Interactive Metronome (IM) technology, particularly as it relates to improved attention, focus, and thinking efficiency. To integrate the vast theoretical...

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Hand-clapping songs improve motor and cognitive skills, research shows.

I receive many interesting scientific articles on the importance of timing in the brain for cognitive, academic, and motor skills…so many it is hard to keep up.  There appears to be keen interest by researchers around the globe re:  the timing mechanisms of the brain and how better or worse timing influences a whole host of abilities in children and adults.  There are many studies exploring the differences between individuals who participate in musical training or synchronized metronome tapping and those that do not, in particular how they differ in academic performance & development.  In this recent study at Ben- Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), researchers concluded that 1st through 3rd grade students who clapped to songs demonstrated fewer developmental learning problems and were better integrated socially than children who did not. 

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Good brain-related videos: Mono-tasking, mind wandering, and the brain as a network

A few interesting video gems for your viewing. First, forget multitasking and try mono-tasking.    Focus  on just one thing...it may be beneficial. http://youtu.be/0YNeyBANrTI Next, I have frequently blogged about the default mode or default brain network (Brain Clock posts).   The default mode (which is estimated to be active approximately 40% of...

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“Ned the Neuron” and “Your Fantastic Elastic brain”: Let’s educate our children about their brains and brain fitness.

Just in time for holiday shopping—some educational materials to help children learn more about their brains and brain fitness.

I believe that children should be taught, at an appropriate level with engaging media, to understand important concepts about their brains and learning. If you are a parent, educator, or therapist who wants to teach children information that will allow them to better understand themselves and empower their thinking (how they can control and modify their minds and behavior; a Growth Mindset), it is nice to know that a variety of groups have recently developed engaging books, videos and apps regarding the human brain and brain training or plasticity.  I recently discovered two sources of material that are worth attention.

The Adventures of Ned the Neuron is a free iPad app.  This well constructed app is 34 full color pages of material.  

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LATEST GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH: Another study reports positive impact of IM on reading achievement…

I just learned that the following article is soon to be published (click here  for journal info) This is the second peer-reviewed article to demonstrate a  significant positive impact of Interactive Metronome (IM) training on certain reading behaviors in a study with both experimental and control groups.   The other study...

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Check out the Time Docs Blog post on the Aurora Shooting as it relates to a victim who suffered a brain injury

Check out the Time Docs Blog post on the Aurora Shooting as it relates to a victim who suffered a brain injury Aurora shooting victim benefits from music in brain injury recovery Yet another interesting video reporting on the use of the rhythmic aspects of music in brain injury recovery...similar to the...

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