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Holiday season, fun and games for some and overstimulation for others
Holiday season, fun and games for some and overstimulation for others…
The holiday season is here and is packed with a frenzy of a million things to do like: gift-wrappings, relatives coming to town, meal preparations, and chaotic shopping. If you feel overwhelmed from this then imagine the potential effects on your child. Many parents of children with ADHD or Autism may be somewhat used to dealing with the effects of overstimulation. Under the right circumstances any child can be over stimulated. Here at Interactive Metronome ® we want to wish you the best holiday season ever, and in order to facilitate that we have gathered some tips that could help you deal with overstimulation.
Cool Fonts For Dyslexia
Check out these cool fonts!
ABC News recently posted an article by Carrie Gann, that talks about how some fonts could help people with dyslexia and other learning disabilities like APD and NVLD, better intake printed information. Christian Boer, the Dutch graphic artist who designed the font is dyslexic himself and fully understands the struggle that people go through when reading. Read the full article.
The Brain Clock: The brain clock as a “jack-of-all-trades” brain mechanism that can be fine-tuned to improve human performance
The Brain Clock: My journey to understand the science of mental timing interventions
Burned Out No More! How IM gave PDD/Autism patient the best school year of her life!
Burned Out No More! How IM gave PDD/Autism patient the best school year of her life!
Erin had a diagnosis of PDD/Autism. She was verbal, but unable to have a purposeful conversation. Her voice was very high pitched, and other children turned away from her when she would go up to them and start reciting lines from various Disney movies or Barney episodes on TV. She had been attending traditional OT/PT and Speech therapy visits for 7 out of her 8 years of life and the family was reaching burn out status, as her progress seemed to be very slow.
Prior to her discharge, we decided to give one more thing a try. Interactive Metronome. Mom had been reading about progress in attention and focus with children who performed the IM exercises. She wasn’t sure how Erin would do, but since it was summertime and their schedule wasn’t as busy it would be worth the time needed to give IM a try.
Reaching Peak Performance with IM
IM is not only for those with a disorder. Did you know that among other sports teams we have worked with Notre Dame? IM works on timing and precision speed which are critical for an athlete. Check out this media clip.
Build a Foundation: Learn to Focus
Build a Foundation: Learn to Focus
There are so many children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD these days. Some kids are struggling to pay attention in class or are labeled as the class clowns or troublemakers at school or other organized events. Whether it be a hyperactivity or an inattention to task, could there be a common thread that was missing when we evaluated these children? We utilized standardized tools such as the Bruininks, VMI ,WOLD and Jebsen. They all tended to score below their same aged peers on these tests, handwriting was poor and sometimes it just didn’t seem like they heard what you were telling them.
Ataxia: Treatment with Interactive Metronome
Ataxia is a central nervous system disorder that attacks balance and coordination. Interactive Metronome is a preferred tool to treat ataxia patients because balance and coordination are at the core of its purpose. Check out the video for quick look at ataxia.
An Amputee crosses the Disney Marathon Finish Line: She said \”IM was the reason and saved her life\”
An Amputee crosses the Disney Marathon Finish Line: She said IM was the reason and “saved her life”
Brenda was born with a deformity of her right foot and never walked the way she would have liked to. So when she was 35, she decided to have a below-the-knee-amputation. Brenda did not expect that the recovery was going to be as hard as it was and went into a deep depression. She had lost all hope to walk now and thought she made the biggest mistake of her life. But Interactive Metronome put her back on her feet! After IM, Brenda completed the Disney Marathon. Brenda attributes her success to IM saying, “Interactive Metronome saved my life”.