March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month

Brain injuries are very different than any other injury because our brain stores all of our memories, controls our movements, and shapes our personality; the brain is truly the essence of who we are. Brain injuries often lead to multiple complications, such as seizures, coma, fluid and pressure in the skull, infections, nerve damage, blood vessel damage, and cognitive deficits that can result in behavioral and emotional changes. Individuals often find that they have trouble with memory, problem-solving/decision-making skills, attention, language/speaking, writing, impulse control, anxiety, depression, balance, and hand-eye coordination. Learn how Interactive Metronome® can help brain injury sufferers by working to physiologically change the functional brain networks that control rhythm and timing.

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Signs and Symptoms of TBI

Here are a few signs to look for if someone has suffered head trauma, or any violent accident that might cause brain damage. Although no list is conclusive, these are some of the most common and visible symptoms. This list is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please seek immediate medial attention in the event of an actual injury.

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A Look at Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the result of an external force causing sudden movement and/or impact to the skull. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1.5 million people in the US suffer a brain injury each year. Traumatic brain injuries are very different than any other injury because our brain stores all of our memories, controls our movements and shapes our personality; the brain is truly the essence of who we are. Interactive Metronome ® (IM) can help TBI sufferers by working to physiologically change the functional brain networks that control rhythm and timing. IM offers a viable, cost-effective and drug free treatment for mild to moderate TBI. Now, individuals can restore function to the brain’s temporal processing network, not simply rehabilitate and adapt to deficits.

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BREAKING NEWS!!! DVBIC research on IM just published in the September online issue of Neuropsychology!


Preliminary findings of a randomized, controlled study concerning the efficacy of IM for remediation of cognitive deficits in active duty soldiers following blast-related mild-to-moderate TBI. The study compared outcomes of standard rehabilitation care alone (OT, PT, SLP) to the same standard rehabilitation care + 15 IM treatment sessions. Read more to find out how Interactive Metronome is helping our brave men and women of the armed forces.


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Adult Brain Injury

Helping you recover what matters most! Brain injuries are very different than any other injury because our brain stores all of our memories, controls our movements and shapes our personality; the brain is truly the essence of who we are. Brain injuries often lead to multiple complications, such as seizures, coma,...

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