The IM Gait Mate is a therapy modality for improving a patient's:
• Stride Length
• Heel Strike
• Gait Stamina
• Weight Shifting
• Quality of Movement
It is an extension of the Interactive Metronome which has been used by Physical and Occupational Therapists for almost ten years to assess and treat motor planning, sequencing, coordination and balance. The Gait Mate makes IM's formerly static exercises more functional and allows the patient to work on these neurological processes while walking around the gym or up and down the hall.
The therapist inserts a wireless insole into the patient's shoe that detects when the patient performs a heel strike. The patient hears a beat through wireless headphones or speakers and is asked to match the cadence provided. The Gait Mate provides the patient with auditory feedback as they walk instructing them to speed up if they are walking too slowly or to slow down if they are shuffling or dropping their foot too quickly.
The patient receives no positive feedback if his/her heel doesn't strike the ground.
Therapists know that repetition is essential to improving the quality of a movement. The Gait Mate provides the repetition while it engages the patient and gives them constant, real-time feedback about their performance. As they adjust their gait it continues to reward and instruct them so that they are constantly improving and exercising.
Many expensive gait assessment devices provide the therapist with data after the
patient has completed a gait exercise. The IM Gait Mate is the only gait
therapy device to engage, encourage and provide feedback to the patient
during walking exercises at a fraction of the cost of other post-walking assessment devices.
Patients with the following conditions may benefit from the Gait Mate:
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke)
- Brain Injury
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cerebral Palsy
- Lower Extremity Joint Pain
- Amputee (prosthetic fitting and training)
- Balance / Coordination / Postural Training in Sitting or Standing
- Joint Replacement/Fracture
So take the next step with your patients- the Interactive Metronome and the IM Gait Mate.
Get Certified in the Gait Mate FREE!
If you are a therapist wishing to obtain the IM Gait Mate for your Facility, click here to contact your sales representative.
If you are wishing to obtain IM Gait Mate for yourself or a family member, contact an IM Provider near you.